
Design and build of £1.5m CCTV system for decommissioning of Sellafield Waste Silos

We are proud to announce that Centurion played a significant part in the construction of the £480m Sellafield Waste Silos decommissioning plant.

The 12-year project is set to decommission six nuclear waste silos which were built in the 1940s to house hazardous materials from WW2. For over 50 years, the nuclear waste silos at the Sellafield plant have contained some of the most hazardous waste in Europe. But constructed in an era when things were done quickly, with little long-term planning, the silos now need to be emptied in a safe manner, in an environment which is unfit for humans.

Complex Robots Monitored By CCTV

A complex robot system has therefore been built to extract the waste. The highly hazardous environment requires careful supervision by the equipment operators, which is only possible via a network of CCTV cameras – a project which we designed and built, in a £1.5m contract.

Commenting on the project, David Armstrong, founder of Centurion, said: “We are extremely proud to have worked on this major and complex system, working to and achieving the very high standards that were required of us. This scheme provided us with the experience to work on similar nuclear projects in the future.

ITV News reports here on the site and the nature of the work undertaken. You can find further information about the Sellafield Waste Retrievals Project here.